Masar has implemented, in collaboration with various partners and donors, many projects and activities that fall under one of its programs. Below is a brief on the most recent projects presented in chronological order.
“Youth Advocating their Rights in Lebanon: Towards implementing the National Youth Policy (NYP)” project in partnership with the Norwegian Embassy in Lebanon
June 2023 – May 2025
“Youth Advocating their Rights in Lebanon: Towards implementing the National Youth Policy (NYP)” project in partnership with the Norwegian Embassy in Lebanon
“Youth Advocating their Rights in Lebanon: Qindeel – The Network of Palestinian Nurses in Lebanon” project in partnership with the Norwegian Embassy in Lebanon
June 2023 – May 2025
“Youth Advocating their Rights in Lebanon: Qindeel – The Network of Palestinian Nurses in Lebanon” project in partnership with the Norwegian Embassy in Lebanon
“The Provision of Economic, Social and Legal Protection & Security for Palestinian Nurses at the Workplace in Lebanon” project in partnership with the Swiss Embassy in Lebanon
2020 – 2022
“The Provision of Economic, Social and Legal Protection & Security for Palestinian Nurses at the Workplace in Lebanon” project in partnership with the Swiss Embassy in Lebanon
“Youth Citizens of Today” project, in partnership with UNICEF
2017 – 2022
The “Youth Citizens of Today” is a partnership project between Masar Association and UNICEF. It has started in 2017 in 6 communities across Lebanon and has expanded into 20 communities in 2020. The project aims at providing a space for youth from…
The “Participatory Action Research” (PAR) project, in partnership with UNICEF
2016 – 2022
The “Participatory Action Research” (PAR) is a regional project for the UNICEF MENA Regional Office. It was launched in 2016 with the aim to identify adolescents and youth’s real needs, hopes and aspirations to serve as the basis for designing developmental…
“Free and Fair Elections: Towards Genuine Citizens‘ Participation and Representation”, implemented with the support of ifa and the German Federal Foreign Office
The project aims to contribute to re-building democracy in Lebanon through advocating free and fair Parliamentary Elections in 2022. It is multi- level consisting of:
“Advocating the implementation of the National Youth Policy”, in partnership with the National Council of Swedish Youth Organizations (LSU)
2010 till present
With the support of the LSU, Masar has been able to strengthen, on the long term, the democratic structures of the youth networks working on youth policy in Lebanon, namely YAP and the Youth Forum. Throughout this partnership, the strengthening of democratic…
“I Am a Citizen – Student Councils in Lebanon” project, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) and UNICEF
2015 – 2020
“I Am a Citizen – Student Councils in Lebanon” is a partnership project between the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE), UNICEF, and Masar Association. The project aims at putting into practice the principle of Democracy and enhancing students’…
The “Improving the Status of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon”, in partnership with the Human Security Division (HSD) at the Swiss Embassy in Beirut
2015 – 2020
Masar’s work on the Palestinian program has been supported by HSD since 2015. Since then, the work has been ongoing, cumulative, and multi-level. Having strong connections in both the Lebanese and Palestinian communities, Masar sees it can have an added value in…
“Dialogue for Democracy: Youth Engaging in a Structured Dialogue over their Rights”, project implemented with the support of ifa and the German Federal Foreign Office.
“Dialogue for Democracy: Youth Engaging in a Structured Dialogue over their Rights”, project implemented with the support of ifa and the German Federal Foreign Office.
“Development for Stabilization in Beddawi Area” project, in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Jul 2018 – Nov 2018
“Development for Stabilization in Beddawi Area” is a partnership project between the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Masar Association and funded by the Government of Canada. It had been implemented over 5 months with the “Beddawi Youth Initiative”…
The “Youth Monitor” project, in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Foundation 2018
The project is related to the Parliamentary elections scheduled in May 2018. It is an interactive website where Parliamentary candidates are invited to register, create a profile, and answer a questionnaire consisting of 73 questions that are classified into 12...
“Young Arab Voices” Programme, in partnership with the British Council
2015 – 2017
The ‘Young Arab Voices’ is a regional programme that was launched jointly by the British Council and the Anna Lindh Foundation in 2011. it aims at developing the skills of youth to take part in youth-led debates across the Arab region for the purpose of…
The “Youth Voices” project, in partnership with ActionAid Arab Regional Initiative
The “Youth Voices” is implemented in collaboration with 3 youth-led initiatives: Abnaa Saida Association, Zibkeen Youth Club, and Clac Qaa which are active in the areas of Old Saida, Zibkeen, and Qaa.