“A Human from Palestine”, a campaign organized by Masar association, in partnership with the Swiss Embassy in Lebanon, and in collaboration with the Embassy of Palestine in Lebanon that aims at presenting a realistic image of Palestinians and their camps in Lebanon, away from prevalent stereotypes, and to advocate the endorsement of human rights for Palestinians, which would be beneficial for Palestinians and Lebanese alike.
Masar Association launched an electronic campaign titled
“A Human from Palestine” today, October 24, 2017 at the Gefinor Rotana Hotel, Beirut.
The ceremony was welcomed by a speech held by Ms. Rania Sabaayon, Executive Director of Masar. There were words from each of the speakers, the Ambassador of Switzerland in Lebanon, Her Excellency Mrs. Monika Schmutz Kırgöz, the Ambassador of the State of Palestine in Lebanon, His Excellency Mr. Ashraf Dabbour, the Chairman of the Lebanese-Palestinian Dialogue Committee, His Excellency Dr. Hassan Mneymneh, and the President of Masar association, Mr. Kamal Shayya. The Campaign is in the frame of the “Human Rights for Palestinians” program that is implemented by Masar association, in partnership with the Swiss Embassy in Lebanon, and in collaboration with the Embassy of the State of Palestine in Lebanon.
The campaign aims at providing a realistic image of Palestinians and their camps in Lebanon, away from prevalent stereotypes, and at advocating the endorsement of their human rights, until they return to their Homeland, which if endorsed, would be beneficial for Palestinians and Lebanese alike.
About the Campaign
The campaign consists of posts and videos to be shared on social media, and these are: Q&As, Did you know, No comment (just a photo), Cause of the Week, the Camp in 1 Minute, Stories from the Camp, thematic videos, and advocacy videos. It is noteworthy that the material in the campaign is derived from a 2 month period of data collection/ field work, the advocacy dossier launched by Masar in 2016 and several policy papers developed in the above mentioned program.
The campaign is addressed to Lebanese citizens who are interested to know more about Palestinians in Lebanon, Lebanese decision makers, Lebanese political parties, Palestinian factions, donors, international organizations working in Palestinian communities in Lebanon, and the Media. The campaign spaned over 2 months, starting October 24th, 2017, aiming to generate traffic/ viral discussions, along with organizing: – Study visits, or strolls in Palestinian camps and Lebanese areas, including meetings with popular committees, Parliamentarians, and Mayors with the aim to get to know living realities in Lebanese and Palestinian communities, and to undertake joint action whenever possible; – Round tables with Lebanese decision makers over specific advocacy topics, such as: the right to proper housing in Palestinian camps and gatherings, legalizing the work of Palestinian nurses in Lebanon, endorsing full benefit of the services of the National Social Security Fund for registered Palestinian employees… Learn more about the reality of Palestinians and their Camps in Lebanon through the “A Human from Palestine” Campaign Masarlborg #A_human_from_palestine www.masarlb.org